Доказана иновация
Операторите на ричтраци често са най-добре квалифицираните служители във вашия екип. Ние улесняваме техния живот, правим го по-безопасен и по-комфортен с ново проектирано, ергономично и функционално работно място за водача.
Можете да достигнете нови нива на безопасност, продуктивност и ефективност със смарт машините BT Reflex. Те позволяват стартиране само от оторизирани оператори и лесно се свързват с управлението на флота I_Site от Toyota.
Новият тъчскрийн осигурява лесна комуникация между машината и оператора, водеща до по-високо ниво на безопасност и продуктивност. С ПИН код или карта за достъп, вие гарантирате, че само оторизирани оператори могат да управляват машината.
По време на повдигане на товара операторите ще получават непрекъснати актуализации за височината, теглото на товара и подравняването на вилиците, както и критични предупреждения като претоварване.
Както всички енергийни системи, базирани на Li-ion, тя е без поддръжка и изисква по-малко ежедневни грижи. Това води до по-дълъг живот, който съответства на жизнения цикъл на машината. Работният диапазон ще зависи от нивото на зареждане, което се извършва по време на почивките.
Creating unique driver profiles with PIN code in the I_Site portal ensures only trained and authorised drivers have access and can operate your machines. Or you can use Smart Access cards, nicely integrated into the driver interface.
Pre-operational check is a smart I_Site feature that is included in the driver interface to make sure an automated check is done by your drivers before every shift – improving reliability and safety.
This I_Site feature allows for easily sending of messages to and from the truck via the new driver interface. For example, the driver can send an alert in the event of a problem, and a service technician can send a message to the driver to request a return to base.
Shock sensors on the truck provide information on collisions. Insights via I_Site fleet management on the incident and driver can help to prevent and avoid damage to your connected smart trucks and infrastructure – for a safer and more cost-efficient operation.
“Designed for work in high-bay warehouses, the BT Reflex E-series reach truck impresses with an outstanding overall design concept in a design language that has been reduced down to the very last detail. Product usability and dynamism are congenially combined in an impressive manner in this product.”
German Design Award jury
Reach trucks are forklifts that offer high lift heights and high maneuverability in narrow aisles thanks to its ability to reach out the mast.
A reach truck can reach out the mast and pick up a pallet in front of the truck and then reach the pallet in again to obtain a small truck width with high stability and high maneuverability.
Lithium-ion batteries provide a wide variety of efficiency advantages, from consistent power delivery to faster-charging capabilities. At Toyota, we offer different energy packs to fit your operations and charging habits.
A lithium-ion battery lasts up to 5,000 charges, while a lead-acid battery lasts about 1,500 times.
Depending on the model, mast heights can reach up to about 13 meters with a maximum lifting capacity of up to 2.5 tonnes.
We have reach trucks for every application. You can find models for more straightforward application, more intensive stacking at height, with tilting cabin, for indoor and outdoor application, multi-directional, with narrow chassis and even cold storage application.
There are many different reach truck specifications to choose from depending on the required capacity and what type of load you handle. Contact your local salespeople for the best suitable specification and then the best price, either for purchase or for rent on short or long term.
With a good charging discipline, you can normally work around the clock with a lithium-ion-powered truck.
Common reach truck application areas are daily goods distribution in large warehouse centers, including frozen areas, manufacturing industries, garden & landscape business, farm industry, beverage, …
Our reach trucks are versatile machines but the best option to work inside as well as outside with our Reflex O-series equipped with elastic tyres to work on all types of floor.
With an optimum balance between operation and opportunity charging, a lithium-ion battery is worth the cost both from a sustainable and financial point of view.
To ensure performance in cold environments, BT Reflex R-E-N series are adaptable for cold store operations.
With a power unit adapted for cold store applications the BT Reflex will let you lift your load as high as in normal temperature.
With the optional heated cold store cabin, the driver is fully protected from the cold down to -30°C.
Thanks to the cabin’s transparent roof and door, safety and high visibility is guaranteed.
Introducing the product and its innovative features
Insights about the intelligent energy packs
All about the new touch screen
A great driver experience with the new operator compartment
The power of connected trucks
Smart servicing for maximum truck uptime