Special trucks

If you can’t find what you need in our standard range, we can create special trucks for your specific applications. Customise your trucks to your operations!

We can meet your individual handling needs

  • Where standard products don’t meet the requirements  
  • For any application  
  • As many trucks as you need

We have a wide range of warehouse equipment and forklift trucks, but sometimes you may need that little extra. That’s why we are able to produce the truck that fits your needs, according to your specifications.

Special trucks in warehouse

Quality guaranteed

  • Produced according to TPS
  • Compliant with EU regulations
  • Continuous evaluation

We produce all our special trucks according to the Toyota Production System, and we continuously evaluate them throughout the development process, also taking into account the feedback from our technicians in the field.

More about Toyota Production System >

Close up on a special truck solution

We take care of every step

  • Providing application solutions  
  • Confirming feasibility, price and lead time
  • Development from start to finish

We start the process, take all relevant factors into account and not only develop your customised truck but also check and evaluate it thoroughly to make sure it fits your application.

Get in touch
Driver on BT Movit tow train in car factory


Ние се гордеем с това, че винаги предоставяме най-добрите решения, за да ви помогнем да внедрите икономичен производствен поток.

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Производствена система на Toyota

Ние прилагаме икономично производство към нашата продукция и работим по система за изтегляне, което означава, че произвеждаме само това, което поръчате.

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Driver using BT Optio for order picking

Нашата продуктова гама

Разгледайте пълната ни гама мотокари, включително товарни колички, палетни колички и ордър пикър - комисионери.

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Service technician servicing a Toyota truck

Обслужване на Toyota

С нашите пакети можете да приспособите обслужването си към Вашия бизнес, независимо от размера.

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